LIBREAS.Library Ideas

LIBREAS Zitationstracking. Heute: Das Journal of Documentation.

Posted in Zitiert in.. by Ben on 2. Mai 2007

Gerade entdeckt: Jeppe Nicolaisen und Birger Hjørland zitieren in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Journal of Documentation (Vol. 63 3/2007) Walther Umstätters Anmerkungen zu Birger Hjørland und Jeppe Nicolaisen: Bradford’s Law of Scattering: Ambiguities in the Concept of „Subject“. In ihrem Aufsatz Practical potentials of Bradford’s law: a critical examination of the received view schreiben sie:

„Umstätter (2005) has claimed in a German e-only journal published at the Department of Library and Information Science/Humboldt-University Berlin by a student editorial team that we (Hjørland and Nicolaisen, 2005a) are wrong: “Am Schluss sei noch darauf hingewiesen, dass die Aussage” nobody have thus far tried to outline the consequences of different conceptions of “subjects” for Bradford’s law “die wichtige Diskussion vieler Rechercheure u¨ber Relevanz, Precision, Recall, Noise und Pertinenz völlig vernachlässigt”.
However, Umstätter failed to document his claim. He failed to produce proper evidence that these concepts have been regarded in relation to consequences for Bradford’s law. We seriously doubt the existence of such documentation.“ (Anmerkung 6 – Seite 373)

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